Broad Ripple History
Pictures, Stories, Maps, and more
Brought to you by Broad Ripple Publishing
Everything Broad Ripple Home
Broad Ripple History Home
Stores and Merchants
Glendale Mall
Stores, Groceries, Restaurants, etc.
Broad Ripple High School
Broad Ripple High School Aerial Photos
School 80
Timeline of buildings razed
Timeline of businesses closed
Various Now and Then images
Streets (Broad Ripple Avenue)
Bridges, Dams, River, Canal, Lakes
Houses and People
Various BR Happenings pre-BR Gazette (2004)
Broad Ripple Photo Archive
Visit the BR archive project
Broad Ripple Park / White River / BRHS
Broad Ripple Artifacts
Now & Then - morphing images
Maps of Broad Ripple area